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- ; ------------ Sinscroller -------------
- ; For the CJ Assembler Lesson
- ; (c) 1990 Doctor Mabuse
- ; the Alpha Flight
- ; (o) 1990 (optimized 1990) by D.I.S.C - Coders
- ; (e) English corrected by D.I.S.C. - editors
- ; --------- Important Infos !! ---------
- ; As usual get the font calles "data" ; called
- ; with the -y- command. As you can see,
- ; the routine is preset as a two pixel
- ; sinus scroller. It's no problem to
- ; change it into a one pixel profi-
- ; scroller but beware of the raster.
- ; The flickering green shows where the
- ; raster line has arrived when the
- ; routine has fnished. When it's at the ; finished
- ; bottom of the screen you have lost.
- ; To remove it look for the move in the
- ; interrupt.
- ; For changing into a 1 or 4 pixel
- ; sinus (depending on the available
- ; raster time) look for the marked
- ; positions in the routine. You must
- ; change the blitter mask and at a
- ; second place the shift value of
- ; the blitter mask. When you make a
- ; One pixel sinus or even with a two
- ; pixel one you will notice that the
- ; scroller is scrambled at the right
- ; end. In this case the routine didn't ; didn't-hasn't
- ; already finished when the raster line
- ; reached this point. To avoid it you
- ; must work with double buffering. Make
- ; two screens. One for blitting and the
- ; other for beeing displayed. Every ; being
- ; interupt you swap them, it's very
- ; easy. Also you must make a longer
- ; sinus wave. The sinus is peridically ; periodical
- ; and you must add another 256 degree
- ; turn for the new 160 positions.
- ; Try it and good luck!
- ; Yours DRM
- ; ------------- Nachladen --------------
- >extern "data7",$60000
- jmp $50000
- org $50000
- load $50000
- ; -------------- Offsets ---------------
- vbeampos= -384
- openlibrary= -408
- closelibrary= -414
- forbid= -132
- permit= -138
- execbase= $04
- ; --------------------------------------
- start:
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ; Save registers
- ; --------------------------------------
- ; ------- Graphics Libary oeffnen ------
- move.l execbase,a6
- lea gfxname,a1
- jsr openlibrary(a6)
- beq end
- move.l d0,gfxbase
- ; -------- Prepare Sinus Table ---------
- lea sin(pc),a0
- ll:
- move.w (a0),d1
- muls #30,d1 ; Amplitude of the sinus wave!!
- asr.l #8,d1
- muls #44,d1
- add.l #$61000+[140*44],d1 ; Middle line of sinus wave
- move.w d1,(a0)+
- cmp.l #send,a0
- bne.s ll
- ; ----------- Clear screen -------------
- moveq #10,d1
- sy:
- lea $60fd0,a0
- move.w #$1000,d0
- sz:
- clr.l (a0)+
- dbf d0,sz
- dbf d1,sy
- ; --------------------------------------
- move.l execbase,a6
- jsr forbid(a6)
- ; ---- Eigene Copperliste einsetzen ----
- move.l gfxbase(pc),a0
- lea $32(a0),a0
- lea $dff000,a5
- move.l #0,$40(a5)
- move.w #$0080,$96(a5)
- move.l (a0),oldcopper
- move.l #newcopper,(a0)
- move.w #$8080,$96(a5)
- ; --------- Change IRQ vector ----------
- move.l $6c,oldirq
- move.l #newirq,$6c
- ; ------- Main program Waitloop --------
- main:
- btst #6,$bfe001
- bne.s main
- ; --------------------------------------
- move.l oldirq(pc),$6c
- ; --------- close GFX-Library ----------
- move.l execbase,a6
- move.l gfxbase,a1
- jsr closelibrary(a6)
- ; ----- write old Copperlist back -----
- move.l gfxbase(pc),a0
- lea $32(a0),a0
- move.w #$0080,$96(a5)
- move.l oldcopper(pc),(a0)
- move.w #$8080,$96(a5)
- ; ------ reactiveate Multitasking ------
- move.l execbase,a6
- jsr permit(a6)
- ; --------------- Exit -----------------
- movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- end:
- rts
- ; --------------------------------------
- ; --------------------------------------
- newirq: ; Our interrupt
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) ; Save registers
- moveq #2,d5
- moveq #6,d6
- ; --------------------------------------
- cmp.b #$7f,$bfec01 ; Check space key
- beq i0
- bsr.s ppppp1
- i0:
- bsr copy
- move.w #$320,$180(a5) ; Set backgroundcolour. Remove
- ; when you want it. It shows when
- ; the blitterroutine has
- ; finished. When this mark comes
- ; into the area of the sinus
- ; this will be spoiled. Then you
- ; must use double buffering.
- ; --------------------------------------
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; IRQ End
- dc.w $4ef9
- oldirq:
- dc.l 0
- ; --------------------------------------
- ppppp1:
- move.l #$61000,$50(a5)
- move.l #$60ffe,$54(a5)
- clr.l $64(a5)
- move.l #$ffff0fff,$44(a5)
- move.w #$e9f0,$40(a5)
- move.w #[14*1]*64+$16,$58(a5)
- ; --------------------------------------
- add.w d5,srr
- cmpi.w #18,srr
- bcs.s no
- clr.w srr
- bsr.s print1 ; neues zeichen ausgeben
- no:
- rts
- srr: dc.w 0
- sxx: dc.l msg
- ; --------------------------------------
- print1:
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- move.l sxx(pc),a0
- move.b (a0),d0
- sub.b #32,d0
- bpl.s nnm
- moveq #16,d0
- nnm:
- move.b d0,d1
- divu #20,d1
- move.w d1,d2
- swap d1
- move.w d1,d3
- add.w d3,d3
- mulu #14*40,d2
- add.w d2,d3
- moveq #6,d0
- swap d0
- add.w d3,d0
- move.l d0,$50(a5)
- move.l #$61028,$54(a5) ; Blit Source
- move.l #$0026002a,$64(a5) ; Modulo
- move.w #$ffff,$46(a5) ; Maske
- move.w #$09f0,$40(a5) ; Modus
- move.w #13*1,d0 ; Hoehe
- asl.w d6,d0
- addq.w #1,d0 ; Breite
- move.w d0,$58(a5) ; Start
- addq.l #1,sxx ; naechstes Zeichen
- cmp.l #ende,sxx
- bcs.s eee
- move.l #msg,sxx
- eee:
- rts
- ; ----------- Sinuskopieren ------------
- copy:
- ; Clear sinus area. Take care
- move.l #$61000+[108*44],$54(a5) ; that you clear the right
- move.l #$00040004,$64(a5) ; area. And clear enought but
- move.l #$0000ffff,$44(a5) ; not more than necessary.
- move.l #$01000000,$40(a5)
- move.w #[76*1]*64+$14,$58(a5) ; Size of clearing
- ; --------------------------------------
- addq.w #3,cx ; This counter lets your sinus
- cmpi.w #256*2,cx ; wave move with the set speed
- bcs.s cno
- clr.w cx
- cno:
- move.l #$61000,d1
- moveq #$6,d3
- swap d3
- moveq #0,d4
- lea sin(pc),a0
- move.w cx(pc),d0
- and #$fffe,d0
- lea (a0,d0.w),a0
- clend: ; Wait
- btst d6,$dff002
- bne.s clend
- move.l #$002a002a,$60(a5) ; Modulo Values for Blitter
- move.l #$002a002a,$64(a5)
- move.w #-1,$46(a5) ; Second Mask Word must be filled
- move.l #$0b5a0000,$40(a5)
- move.w #13*64+1,d0
- lea $50(a5),a1
- lea $48(a5),a2
- lea $54(a5),a3
- lea $44(a5),a4
- lea $58(a5),a6
- cn1: ; Extern loop: For getting all
- ; 20 words of one line
- move.w #$c000,d2 ; Set blit mask. For one (four)
- ; pixel sinus set to $8000
- ; ($f000)
- cn2: ; Intern loop: Copies from your
- ; word one, two or four bits
- ; together in 16, 8 or 4 steps.
- move.w (a0),d3 ; Endadress of Sinus List
- add.w d4,d3
- move.l d1,(a1) ; A
- move.l d3,(a2) ; C
- move.l d3,(a3) ; D
- move.w d2,(a4) ; Set Mask
- move.w d0,(a6)
- lea (a0,d5.w),a0
- lsr.w d5,d2 ; Shift Blitter mask left for
- ; copying the other bits of
- ; this word. For one (four)
- ; pixel scroller set to 1 (4)!
- bne cn2
- add.l d5,d1
- add.l d5,d4
- cmpi.l #$28,d4
- bne.s cn1
- rts
- ; ---------------- Datas ---------------
- cx: dc.w 0
- sin: ; Sinusnumbers. This sinus table
- ; has 256 degrees. Important! In
- ; the Init part a routine
- ; multiplicates a values with
- ; the size of one screen line
- ; and adds the base adress!!!!
- DC.W $0100,$0100,$0100,$00FF,$00FF,$00FE,$00FD,$00FC
- DC.W $00FB,$00FA,$00F8,$00F7,$00F5,$00F3,$00F1,$00EF
- DC.W $00ED,$00EA,$00E7,$00E5,$00E2,$00DF,$00DC,$00D8
- DC.W $00D5,$00D1,$00CE,$00CA,$00C6,$00C2,$00BE,$00B9
- DC.W $00B5,$00B1,$00AC,$00A7,$00A2,$009D,$0098,$0093
- DC.W $008E,$0089,$0084,$007E,$0079,$0073,$006D,$0068
- DC.W $0062,$005C,$0056,$0050,$004A,$0044,$003E,$0038
- DC.W $0032,$002C,$0026,$001F,$0019,$0013,$000D,$0006
- DC.W $0000,$FFFA,$FFF3,$FFED,$FFE7,$FFE1,$FFDA,$FFD4
- DC.W $FF9E,$FF98,$FF93,$FF8D,$FF87,$FF82,$FF7C,$FF77
- DC.W $FF72,$FF6D,$FF67,$FF62,$FF5E,$FF59,$FF54,$FF4F
- DC.W $FF4B,$FF47,$FF42,$FF3E,$FF3A,$FF36,$FF32,$FF2F
- DC.W $FF2B,$FF28,$FF24,$FF21,$FF1E,$FF1B,$FF19,$FF16
- DC.W $FF13,$FF11,$FF0F,$FF0D,$FF0B,$FF09,$FF08,$FF06
- DC.W $FF05,$FF04,$FF03,$FF02,$FF01,$FF01,$FF00,$FF00
- DC.W $FF00,$FF00,$FF00,$FF01,$FF01,$FF02,$FF03,$FF04
- DC.W $FF05,$FF06,$FF08,$FF09,$FF0B,$FF0D,$FF0F,$FF11
- DC.W $FF13,$FF16,$FF19,$FF1B,$FF1E,$FF21,$FF24,$FF28
- DC.W $FF2B,$FF2F,$FF32,$FF36,$FF3A,$FF3E,$FF42,$FF47
- DC.W $FF4B,$FF4F,$FF54,$FF59,$FF5E,$FF63,$FF68,$FF6D
- DC.W $FF72,$FF77,$FF7C,$FF82,$FF87,$FF8D,$FF93,$FF98
- DC.W $0000,$0006,$000D,$0013,$0019,$001F,$0026,$002C
- DC.W $0032,$0038,$003E,$0044,$004A,$0050,$0056,$005C
- DC.W $0062,$0068,$006D,$0073,$0079,$007E,$0084,$0089
- DC.W $008E,$0093,$0099,$009E,$00A2,$00A7,$00AC,$00B1
- DC.W $00B5,$00B9,$00BE,$00C2,$00C6,$00CA,$00CE,$00D1
- DC.W $00D5,$00D8,$00DC,$00DF,$00E2,$00E5,$00E7,$00EA
- DC.W $00ED,$00EF,$00F1,$00F3,$00F5,$00F7,$00F8,$00FA
- DC.W $00FB,$00FC,$00FD,$00FE,$00FF,$00FF,$0100,$0100
- DC.W $0100,$0100,$0100,$00FF,$00FF,$00FE,$00FD,$00FC
- DC.W $00FB,$00FA,$00F8,$00F7,$00F5,$00F3,$00F1,$00EF
- DC.W $00ED,$00EA,$00E7,$00E5,$00E2,$00DF,$00DC,$00D8
- DC.W $00D5,$00D1,$00CE,$00CA,$00C6,$00C2,$00BE,$00B9
- DC.W $00B5,$00B1,$00AC,$00A7,$00A2,$009D,$0098,$0093
- DC.W $008E,$0089,$0084,$007E,$0079,$0073,$006D,$0068
- DC.W $0062,$005C,$0056,$0050,$004A,$0044,$003E,$0038
- DC.W $0032,$002C,$0026,$001F,$0019,$0013,$000D,$0006
- DC.W $0000,$FFFA,$FFF3,$FFED,$FFE7,$FFE1,$FFDA,$FFD4
- DC.W $FF9E,$FF98,$FF93,$FF8D,$FF87,$FF82,$FF7C,$FF77
- DC.W $FF72,$FF6D,$FF67,$FF62,$FF5E,$FF59,$FF54,$FF4F
- DC.W $FF4B,$FF47,$FF42,$FF3E,$FF3A,$FF36,$FF32,$FF2F
- DC.W $FF2B,$FF28,$FF24,$FF21,$FF1E,$FF1B,$FF19,$FF16
- DC.W $FF13,$FF11,$FF0F,$FF0D,$FF0B,$FF09,$FF08,$FF06
- DC.W $FF05,$FF04,$FF03,$FF02,$FF01,$FF01,$FF00,$FF00
- DC.W $FF00,$FF00,$FF00,$FF01,$FF01,$FF02,$FF03,$FF04
- DC.W $FF05,$FF06,$FF08,$FF09,$FF0B,$FF0D,$FF0F,$FF11
- DC.W $FF13,$FF16,$FF19,$FF1B,$FF1E,$FF21,$FF24,$FF28
- DC.W $FF2B,$FF2F,$FF32,$FF36,$FF3A,$FF3E,$FF42,$FF47
- DC.W $FF4B,$FF4F,$FF54,$FF59,$FF5E,$FF63,$FF68,$FF6D
- DC.W $FF72,$FF77,$FF7C,$FF82,$FF87,$FF8D,$FF93,$FF98
- DC.W $0000,$0006,$000D,$0013,$0019,$001F,$0026,$002C
- DC.W $0032,$0038,$003E,$0044,$004A,$0050,$0056,$005C
- DC.W $0062,$0068,$006D,$0073,$0079,$007E,$0084,$0089
- DC.W $008E,$0093,$0099,$009E,$00A2,$00A7,$00AC,$00B1
- DC.W $00B5,$00B9,$00BE,$00C2,$00C6,$00CA,$00CE,$00D1
- DC.W $00D5,$00D8,$00DC,$00DF,$00E2,$00E5,$00E7,$00EA
- DC.W $00ED,$00EF,$00F1,$00F3,$00F5,$00F7,$00F8,$00FA
- DC.W $00FB,$00FC,$00FD,$00FE,$00FF,$00FF,$0100,$0100
- send:
- ; ------------ Copperliste -------------
- newcopper:
- dc.w $008e,$2881,$0090,$28c1 ; Bildschirmgrenzen
- dc.w $0092,$0038,$0094,$00d0 ; DataFetch Start/Stop
- dc.w $0108,$0004,$010a,$0004 ; Modulos
- dc.w $0102,$0001,$0104,$0040 ; Control Reg. #1 u. #2
- dc.w $0100,$2200 ; Control Reg. #0
- dc.w $00e0,$0006,$00e2,$1000-44
- dc.w $00e4,$0006,$00e6,$1000
- dc.w $0180,$0211,$0182,$0980
- dc.w $0184,$0ff0,$0186,$0cb0
- dc.w $0188,$0ddd,$018a,$0bbb
- dc.w $018c,$0999,$018e,$0866
- dc.w $0120,$0000,$0122,$0000
- dc.w $0128,$0000,$012a,$0000
- dc.w $0130,$0000,$0132,$0000
- dc.w $0138,$0000,$013a,$0000
- dc.w $ffff,$fffe
- ; ------------- Scrolltext -------------
- msg:
- dc.b 'OPTIMIZED BY THE D.I.S.C - TEAM !!! '
- ende:
- even
- ; ---------- Systemregister ------------
- gfxbase: dc.l 0
- oldcopper: dc.l 0
- gfxname:
- dc.b "graphics.library",0,0
- ; ------ Pointer der Scrollroutine -----